Upcoming Sessions
Alberta Regulatory: What’s New in 2025?
Starting:12/10/2024 @ 09:00 AM Mountain Time (US & Canada)Ending:12/10/2024 @ 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US & Canada) -
BC Regulatory: What’s New in 2025?
Starting:12/11/2024 @ 09:00 AM Mountain Time (US & Canada)Ending:12/11/2024 @ 12:00 PM Mountain Time (US & Canada)
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Les personnes travaillant dans le secteur du pétrole et du gaz interagissent souvent avec leur famille, leurs amis et leurs connaissances qui peuvent avoir des questions sur le rôle du pétrole et du gaz et de l’approvisionnement en énergie. Ce cours vous dotera des compétences pour devenir un communicateur confiant et efficace dans le secteur de l’énergie. Vous acquerrez les connaissances et les compétences pour parler avec assurance de l’industrie énergétique. Objectifs d’apprentissage Accroître vos connaissances sur le paysage actuel du système énergétique mondial et le rôle du pétrole et du gaz canadiens Identifier l’importance d’une communication énergétique efficace avec divers publics et comprendre les barrières de communication communes et les conflits concernant l’industrie énergétique Contrer la désinformation et les idées fausses liées à l’industrie énergétique et mener avec confiance des discussions sur l’évolution de l’énergie Développer des compétences interpersonnelles, y compris l’écoute active et des stratégies pour s’engager dans des discussions productives sur les préoccupations énergétiques Renforcer la confiance pour participer activement à une communication efficace sur l’industrie énergétique Développeurs de cours L’équipe de développement du Micro-certificat en durabilité dans l’énergie est composée d’experts en durabilité et de spécialistes en conception d’apprentissage en ligne axés sur l’éducation des adultes. Le cours est conçu avec une contribution importante de l’industrie de l’énergie et utilise les capacités d’intelligence des données et d’analyse de geoLOGIC systems. Programme: Contexte actuel de l’industrie pétrolière et gazière Introduction à la communication sur l’énergie Traitement des problèmes liés à l’énergie Styles de communication Développement des compétences interpersonnelles pour une communication efficace Informations supplémentaires : Les prix sont en dollars américains Nous proposons des options d'abonnement abordables pour les particuliers, les équipes et les entreprises. Avec un abonnement, vous bénéficiez d'un accès illimité à notre bibliothèque complète de cours en direct et en ligne. Pour toute autre question, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter à esglearning@evaluateenergy.com. Read more
Sustainability leaders in energy need to be able to understand, mitigate, and communicate about their companies’ water risks, impacts, and opportunities. A water strategy prepares businesses to respond, adapt, and lead as risks and opportunities emerge around this essential resource. Corporate Water Strategy presents practical approaches to manage regulatory changes and challenging scenarios, such as water shortages, floods, and sharp changes in water quality. This course is ideal for energy company leaders seeking to understand and develop a comprehensive corporate water strategy. Learning Objectives Develop an understanding of the criticality of water as a resource Recognize the evolving pressures on water utilization both for current uses and emerging (e.g., green & blue hydrogen production) Understand methods of evaluating water risks and opportunities Examine approaches to developing a water strategy for your company Explore context-based metrics and tools useful for tracking performance on water stewardship Course Developers - Kim Sturgess, CEO & founder, WaterSMART, Edwin Piñero, special advisor, WaterSMART Our ESG Learning instructors and course developers have a wealth of experience delivering ESG solutions to the global energy industry. Kim Sturgess is CEO & founder of WaterSMART, and is also the executive director of the non-profit Alberta WaterPortal Society. Kim has extensive experience in technology start-ups and management, as well as in oil and gas, pipelines, and industrial products and services. She has served on the boards of CCI Thermal Technologies, the Alberta Chamber of Resources, the Alberta Land Institute, the Alberta Water Council, the Council of Canadian Academies, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the National Research Council, APEGA, the Alberta Economic Development Authority, and Queen’s University. Edwin Piñero is president of EcoMetrics LLC, and special advisor at WaterSMART. Edwin advises clients on water-related issues such as strategy, best practices, reporting, metrics, and making the business case for water stewardship. He has been engaged in many water-related initiatives, including the UN CEO Water Mandate and Alliance for Water Stewardship. He also served as director of Water Programs with the United States Business Council for Sustainable Development, as senior vice-president for Sustainability for Veolia North America and as a White House Federal Environmental executive. Curriculum Module 1: Core Concepts of Water as a Resource Water is different than other resources Water is climate, climate is water Water is not traded like other commodities Scale is critical: think globally, act locally Future demand for water will outstrip our current capacity to provide it The NEXUS – interdependency of water, food, and energy Module 2: Why energy companies need a water strategy Mounting and complex pressures on water Water stress creates business risk Water is linked to competitiveness New energy and water impacts Regulations and financing in water Evolving technologies and practices Module 3: Developing a water strategy How a corporate water strategy helps your organization How a corporate water strategy fits in Corporate water strategy development What it means to have a corporate water strategy Module 4: Tools to support a water strategy Context-based water targets and metrics Alliance for Water Stewardship international framework Example tool – EcoMetrics Additional Information Prices are in US dollars We have affordable subscription options for individuals, teams and companies. With a subscription you get unlimited access to our full library of live and e-learning courses. Still have questions? Connect with us at esglearning@evaluateenergy.com. Read more
Discover and manage the complexities of carbon emissions in the oil and gas sector. In this course, you will gain a deep understanding of Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions and their sources. Learners gain invaluable insights into measuring, reporting, and strategically reducing carbon footprints across their company's value chain. Learning Objectives Identify and categorize Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions in oil and gas operations Formulate effective reduction strategies for Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions Apply data-driven insights to make informed decisions for sustainable oil and gas operations practices Course Developers The Evaluate Energy ESG Learning team consists of researchers, oil and gas writers, and e-learning design specialists along with the collective data intelligence and analytics capabilities of geoLOGIC systems. Courses are developed alongside engagement with producers, midstream companies, oilfield services, investors, regulators, and ESG reporting agencies. Curriculum Introduction to Carbon Footprints in the Oil and Gas Sector Greenhouse Gases Intro to Scope Emissions Scope 1 Emissions in Oil and Gas Scope 2 Emissions in Oil and Gas Scope 3 Emissions in the Oil and Gas Supply Chain Scope Emissions Reporting in Oil and Gas Additional Information Prices are in US dollars We have affordable subscription options for individuals, teams and companies. With a subscription you get unlimited access to our full library of live and e-learning courses. Still have questions? Connect with us at esglearning@evaluateenergy.com. Read more
Oil and gas companies must develop fugitive emissions programs to meet environmental targets and to avoid regulatory violations and fines. We provide information about devices, methods, and methodology to locate, track, and reduce methane/GHG fugitive emission leaks. This course is ideal for energy sector employees involved in developing and/or managing a company-wide Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) Program. Learning Objectives Explain what fugitive emissions are and why it is important fix and mitigate them Identify methods of locating and detecting fugitive emissions Understand the selection process for devices to detect and measure fugitive emissions Examine steps to set up a successful leak detection and repair (LDAR) team Describe common procedures and tools to track, fix and mitigate fugitive emissions, including using optical gas imaging, drill and tap, and Method 21 Course developer - Gobind Khiani, GAPV Inc. Our ESG Learning instructors and course developers have a wealth of experience delivering ESG solutions to the global energy industry. Gobind Khiani is president of GAPV Inc. and brings a wide range of technical expertise from 30 years’ experience with engineering projects around the world. Gobind is chairman of the End-User Committee (ERC) at the American Petroleum Institute and vice-chairman of the Standards Council of Canada. Gobind also participates in research and development initiatives for Emissions Management and Reduction Programs, the Government of Alberta, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), and Canada's Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA). Curriculum Module 1: Detecting Fugitive Emissions What are fugitive emissions and why are they a concern? Location and detection of fugitive emissions Sources of fugitive emissions in equipment Leak detection and repair (LDAR) Applicable industry codes Selecting the appropriate detection device Vacuum bagging train / mobile device / handheld unit / continuous laser monitoring / drones / aircrafts / satellites Module 2: Reducing Fugitive Emissions Managing a successful LDAR program Team roles Communication and tracking tools Managing delay of repair (DOR) Fixing and mitigating fugitive emissions Overview of leak repair options Exploring Drill and Tap method Applicable procedures and codes Method 21 Useful resources Additional Information Prices are in US dollars We have affordable subscription options for individuals, teams and companies. With a subscription you get unlimited access to our full library of live and e-learning courses. Still have questions? Connect with us at esglearning@evaluateenergy.com. Read more
Les détenteurs de droits autochtones ont une relation unique avec le gouvernement canadien et sont des partenaires cruciaux dans les projets de développement des ressources naturelles. Dans ce cours, nous offrons un bref aperçu des droits autochtones avec le contexte historique derrière la reconnaissance et la protection de ces droits. Les apprenants examineront les systèmes formels et informels de consultation et d’engagement autochtones et exploreront la réconciliation économique en lien avec l’industrie de l’énergie. Objectifs d’apprentissage Définir et décrire quatre sources de droits autochtones : les droits inhérents, constitutionnels, issus de traités et les droits internationaux Reconnaître les éléments clés des Traités numérotés, de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones (UNDRIP) et du concept de Consentement libre, préalable et éclairé (FPIC) Décrire les conclusions de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada (TRC) et les 94 appels à l’action qui l’accompagnent Comprendre l’importance des systèmes formels et informels de consultation et d’engagement ainsi que les obligations légales impliquées dans le devoir de consulter Examiner à travers des exemples comment l’industrie est impliquée dans la réconciliation économique avec les communautés autochtones et définir les concepts commerciaux clés, y compris les accords sur les avantages de l’impact, le renforcement des capacités, l’approvisionnement autochtone et les partenariats en participation Développeurs de cours L’équipe de développement du Micro-certificat en durabilité dans l’énergie est composée d’experts en durabilité et de spécialistes en conception d’apprentissage en ligne axés sur l’éducation des adultes. Le cours est conçu avec une contribution importante de l’industrie de l’énergie et utilise les capacités d’intelligence des données et d’analyse de geoLOGIC systems. Programme : Primer sur la terminologie Contexte historique et actuel des droits autochtones Consultation et engagement équitables Réconciliation économique Informations supplémentaires : Les prix sont en dollars américains Nous proposons des options d'abonnement abordables pour les particuliers, les équipes et les entreprises. Avec un abonnement, vous bénéficiez d'un accès illimité à notre bibliothèque complète de cours en direct et en ligne. Pour toute autre question, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter à esglearning@evaluateenergy.com. Read more
SASB Standards, developed by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), provide a framework for businesses to disclose ESG information in a consistent and comparable way. In this course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of how to collect, synthesize, and report data in alignment with the SASB Standards. From sector-specific metrics to real-life case studies, this course will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to prepare meaningful sustainability reports that drive positive impacts and value creation. Learning Objectives Gain a comprehensive understanding of the key components of sustainability reporting in accordance with the SASB Standards Learn how to apply SASB Standards, identifying material topics and utilizing sector-specific indicators for effective sustainability reporting in the oil and gas industry Acquire practical skills in sustainability reporting Course Developers The Evaluate Energy ESG Learning team consists of researchers, oil and gas writers, and e-learning design specialists along with the collective data intelligence and analytics capabilities of geoLOGIC systems. Courses are developed alongside engagement with producers, midstream companies, oilfield services, investors, regulators, and ESG reporting agencies. Curriculum Introduction to SASB Standards and Sustainability Reporting Sector-specific SASB Standards for the Oil and Gas Industry Data Collection and Synthesis Preparation of Sustainability and ESG Reports Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing SASB Standards Continuous Improvement and Future Trends Additional Information Prices are in US dollars We have affordable subscription options for individuals, teams and companies. With a subscription you get unlimited access to our full library of live and e-learning courses. Still have questions? Connect with us at esglearning@evaluateenergy.com. Read more
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