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Carbon capture is usually the highest cost component of any CCUS project. Project managers, commercial development teams and executives need a full understanding of CCUS to support their CCUS initiatives. Carbon Capture in Practice: Technical Considerations and Cost Analysis presents a detailed and technical overview of the most popular carbon capture technologies including liquid solvent, solid sorbent, membranes, and other emerging techniques.  The course will assess the readiness of these technologies and the most important factors for selection and cost to help with project screening.  The live course is scheduled for Wednesday, November 20, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. MT. via ZOOM.  Learning Objectives Skills to develop a business case for a carbon capture initiative based on both technical and economic criteria High level understanding of the key carbon capture technologies Understanding of readiness and selection criteria for different carbon capture technologies Meet your instructor - Dr. Wayne Monnery Our ESG Learning instructors and course developers have a wealth of experience delivering ESG solutions to the global energy industry. This carbon capture course is developed by Wayne Monnery. Wayne Monnery has more than 30 years of oil and gas experience, specializing in gas processing (CO2 removal, pipeline hydraulics, separation, dehydration, sour gas treating, sulfur recovery, acid gas injection and refrigeration processes). Monnery is involved with carbon capture, teaching a course on the surface facilities technology, working as the process SME on a large SAGD carbon capture project and assisting other clients to determine best processing options. He has a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of Calgary. Curriculum 1. Basics – Carbon Capture Types 2. Carbon Capture Technology Overviews Liquid Solvent Solid Sorbent Membranes Others 3. ​Technology Readiness 4. Technology Selection/Cost Factors 5. Technology Costs BUNDLE & SAVE: Register for our two-course Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage bundle to gain a complete picture of CCUS for only $600 (a 25% saving). The bundle includes our Carbon Capture in Practice course (above) and the CCUS Essentials course with Richard Baker on November 27, 2024.  Additional Information All course materials will be available (for viewing only) to those who register after the date of the live event Prices are in US dollars We have affordable subscription options for individuals, teams and companies. With a subscription you get unlimited access to our full library of live and e-learning courses. Still have questions? Connect with us at Read more

Project managers, commercial development teams and executives need a full understanding of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) to support their business.  CCUS Essentials for Energy Leaders focuses primarily on the utilization and storage dimensions of CCUS projects. The course explores the economics, key technical workflows, risk management from a subsurface perspective. It blends a reservoir engineering and geoscience technical perspective with a business mindset to outline what makes for a successful project. Participants will learn the key fundamentals required to support CCUS initiatives in their organizations. The live course is scheduled for Wednesday, November 27, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. MT. via ZOOM.  Learning Objectives Skills to develop a business case for a CCUS initiative based on key economic and technical drivers of CCUS projects High level understanding of the key CCUS engineering and geoscience technical workflows Ability to manage the risks for CCUS project including CO2 containment Meet your instructor - Richard Baker Our ESG Learning instructors and course developers have a wealth of experience delivering ESG solutions to the global energy industry. This CCUS course is developed by Richard Baker.  Richard Baker is a globally recognized expert in CCUS with over 37 years of practical experience in reservoir engineering, simulation, EOR and thermal projects. He has worked on hundreds of reservoir characterization/reservoir simulation projects in North America, Russia, Indonesia, South America, North Africa, Middle East and the North Sea. Richard has held senior reservoir engineering positions at both Shell and Husky Oil. In addition to authoring and co-authoring 60+ technical papers, he is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Calgary. Curriculum  Introduction + Overview of CCS/CCUS Economics Costs (Capex/Opex) Where are these CCS projects? (success and technical/economic challenges) General Workflow Criteria for saline aquifers (site selection) Depleted Gas Reservoirs Enhanced Oil Recovery Risk: Measurement, Monitoring and Verification  Key Questions (Learning Objectives) wrap up Conclusions and where to go? BUNDLE & SAVE: Register for our two-course Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage bundle to gain a complete picture of CCUS for only $600 (a 25% saving). The bundle includes our CCUS Essentials course (above) and the Carbon Capture in Practice course with Wayne Monnery on November 20, 2024.  Additional Information All course materials will be available (for viewing only) to those who register after the date of the live event Prices are in US dollars We have affordable subscription options for individuals, teams and companies. With a subscription you get unlimited access to our full library of live and e-learning courses. Still have questions? Connect with us at Read more

Our comprehensive Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) course merges strategic, technical, economic, and regulatory perspectives, providing a well-rounded view of the technology.  We unravel the complex policy and regulatory frameworks surrounding CCUS and discuss the necessary policy and regulatory measures to support CCUS advancement. You will learn the economics of CCUS projects, including cost factors and financial barriers. Learning Objectives Explain the strategic importance of CCUS in global decarbonization efforts Identify and describe various technologies within the CCUS value chain Assess the commercial readiness of different CCUS technologies Understand the global status of CCUS deployment and its real-world applications Identify key challenges in the development and implementation of CCUS Course Developers       The Evaluate Energy ESG Learning team consists of researchers, oil and gas writers, and e-learning design specialists along with the collective data intelligence and analytics capabilities of geoLOGIC systems. Courses are developed alongside engagement with producers, midstream companies, oilfield services, investors, regulators, and ESG reporting agencies. Curriculum 1. CCUS Fundamentals and global impact 2. Exploring the CCUS technology spectrum 3. Economic viability and opportunities in CCUS 4. CCUS policy and regulatory framework 5. Key takeaways from CCUS insights Additional Information Prices are in US dollars We have affordable subscription options for individuals, teams and companies. With a subscription you get unlimited access to our full library of live and e-learning courses. Still have questions? Connect with us at Read more

Individuals working in oil and gas often interact with family, friends and acquaintances who may have questions about the role of oil and gas and energy supply. This course will equip you with the skills to become a confident and effective communicator in the energy sector. You will gain the knowledge and skills to speak confidently about the energy industry.  Learning Objectives Increase your knowledge of the current landscape of the global energy system and the role of Canadian oil and gas Identify the importance of effective energy communication with various audiences and understand common communication barriers and conflicts about the energy industry Address misinformation and misconceptions related to the energy industry and confidently drive discussions about energy evolution Develop soft skills including active listening and strategies for engaging in productive discussions about energy concerns Build confidence to actively participate in effective communication about the energy industry  Course Developers     The Sustainability in Energy Micro-Credential development team consists of sustainability subject matter experts and eLearning design specialists specializing in adult education. The course is developed with extensive input from the energy industry and leverages the data intelligence and analytics capabilities of geoLOGIC systems. Curriculum Current landscape of the oil and gas industry Introduction to energy communication Addressing energy concerns Communication styles Building soft skills for effective communication Additional Information Prices are in US dollars We have affordable subscription options for individuals, teams and companies. With a subscription you get unlimited access to our full library of live and e-learning courses. Still have questions? Connect with us at Read more

Les personnes travaillant dans le secteur du pétrole et du gaz interagissent souvent avec leur famille, leurs amis et leurs connaissances qui peuvent avoir des questions sur le rôle du pétrole et du gaz et de l’approvisionnement en énergie. Ce cours vous dotera des compétences pour devenir un communicateur confiant et efficace dans le secteur de l’énergie. Vous acquerrez les connaissances et les compétences pour parler avec assurance de l’industrie énergétique. Objectifs d’apprentissage Accroître vos connaissances sur le paysage actuel du système énergétique mondial et le rôle du pétrole et du gaz canadiens Identifier l’importance d’une communication énergétique efficace avec divers publics et comprendre les barrières de communication communes et les conflits concernant l’industrie énergétique Contrer la désinformation et les idées fausses liées à l’industrie énergétique et mener avec confiance des discussions sur l’évolution de l’énergie Développer des compétences interpersonnelles, y compris l’écoute active et des stratégies pour s’engager dans des discussions productives sur les préoccupations énergétiques Renforcer la confiance pour participer activement à une communication efficace sur l’industrie énergétique Développeurs de cours L’équipe de développement du Micro-certificat en durabilité dans l’énergie est composée d’experts en durabilité et de spécialistes en conception d’apprentissage en ligne axés sur l’éducation des adultes. Le cours est conçu avec une contribution importante de l’industrie de l’énergie et utilise les capacités d’intelligence des données et d’analyse de geoLOGIC systems. Programme: Contexte actuel de l’industrie pétrolière et gazière Introduction à la communication sur l’énergie Traitement des problèmes liés à l’énergie Styles de communication Développement des compétences interpersonnelles pour une communication efficace Informations supplémentaires : Les prix sont en dollars américains Nous proposons des options d'abonnement abordables pour les particuliers, les équipes et les entreprises. Avec un abonnement, vous bénéficiez d'un accès illimité à notre bibliothèque complète de cours en direct et en ligne. Pour toute autre question, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter à Read more

Sustainability leaders in energy need to be able to understand, mitigate, and communicate about their companies’ water risks, impacts, and opportunities. A water strategy prepares businesses to respond, adapt, and lead as risks and opportunities emerge around this essential resource. Corporate Water Strategy presents practical approaches to manage regulatory changes and challenging scenarios, such as water shortages, floods, and sharp changes in water quality. This course is ideal for energy company leaders seeking to understand and develop a comprehensive corporate water strategy. Learning Objectives Develop an understanding of the criticality of water as a resource Recognize the evolving pressures on water utilization both for current uses and emerging (e.g., green & blue hydrogen production) Understand methods of evaluating water risks and opportunities Examine approaches to developing a water strategy for your company Explore context-based metrics and tools useful for tracking performance on water stewardship Course Developers - Kim Sturgess, CEO ​&​ founder, WaterSMART, Edwin Piñero, special advisor, WaterSMART Our ESG Learning instructors and course developers have a wealth of experience delivering ESG solutions to the global energy industry. Kim Sturgess is CEO ​& founder of WaterSMART, and is also the executive director of the non-profit Alberta WaterPortal Society. Kim has extensive experience in technology start-ups and management, as well as in oil and gas, pipelines, and industrial products and services. She has served on the boards of CCI Thermal Technologies, the Alberta Chamber of Resources, the Alberta Land Institute, the Alberta Water Council, the Council of Canadian Academies, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the National Research Council, APEGA, the Alberta Economic Development Authority, and Queen’s University.  Edwin Piñero is president of EcoMetrics LLC, and special advisor at WaterSMART. Edwin advises clients on water-related issues such as strategy, best practices, reporting, metrics, and making the business case for water stewardship. He has been engaged in many water-related initiatives, including the UN CEO Water Mandate and Alliance for Water Stewardship. He also served as director of Water Programs with the United States Business Council for Sustainable Development, as senior vice-president for Sustainability for Veolia North America and as a White House Federal Environmental executive. Curriculum Module 1: Core Concepts of Water as a Resource Water is different than other resources Water is climate, climate is water Water is not traded like other commodities Scale is critical: think globally, act locally Future demand for water will outstrip our current capacity to provide it The NEXUS – interdependency of water, food, and energy Module 2: Why energy companies need a water strategy Mounting and complex pressures on water Water stress creates business risk Water is linked to competitiveness New energy and water impacts Regulations and financing in water Evolving technologies and practices Module 3: Developing a water strategy How a corporate water strategy helps your organization How a corporate water strategy fits in Corporate water strategy development What it means to have a corporate water strategy Module 4: Tools to support a water strategy Context-based water targets and metrics Alliance for Water Stewardship international framework Example tool – EcoMetrics Additional Information Prices are in US dollars We have affordable subscription options for individuals, teams and companies. With a subscription you get unlimited access to our full library of live and e-learning courses. Still have questions? Connect with us at Read more

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